27. sep. – 13. okt.
Vi er i år i særdeles fint selskab med fotografer fra den eksklusive, svenske sammenslutning, PhotoNatura. De fire, svenske fotografer, Magnus Persson, Anita Campell, Sven Persson og Erland Leide laver naturbilleder af højeste klasse, og stilen breder sig fra klassisk naturfoto til mere kunstneriske og abstrakte naturfortolkninger.
Svenskerne suppleres af norske Bjørn Egil Brekke, der netop har vundet BioFoto Norge og Sveriges store, årlige naturfotokonkurrence. Han laver kunstneriske naturfortolkninger i en helt egen liga hovedsageligt forankret i sit eget lokalområde i Siggerud, syd for Oslo.
Alle fotografer vil var til stede under ferniseringen.
Ferniseringen åbnedes af Formand for Danmarks Naturfredningsforening i Thy; Ib Nord Nielsen
Anita Campell ![]() |
AnitaCampell is a professional photographer since 2006, with nature photography as her foremost interest. She takes on all kinds of photographic assignments, from advertizing to weddings but pursues her own projects including product design, books, exhibitions and photoseminars mostly in southwestern Sweden, where she lives. With a former career in the sciences, in particular biology, combined with an interest in art, nature photography represents an extremely appealing and completely unique way of combing her creative artistic aspirations with a strong attraction to nature. Curiosity drives a large part of her photography and a thirst for learning more about how natures enigmatic mechanisms operate. Anita has recently spent a year in New Zealand, photographing and interviewing people for a book. Although spectacular and breathtaking, New Zealand faces substantial environmental issues. Besides the effects of global weather changes and environmental devastation, New Zealand has an unwanted population of imported animals and plants that threaten its unique fauna and flora together with over-fishing and a shrinkage of the natural biotopes that harbor its unique biodiversity. Much effort is, however, being amassed in order to come to terms with these threats. The awareness of such an urgency is widespread as a loss of its natural uniqueness would greatly damage New Zealands national identity. In this exhibition, „A World Apart‟, she places some examples of the natural world from both Sweden and New Zealand side by side perhaps opening up new impressions and thoughts regarding two relatively small countries a world apart. Member of PhotoNatura and Öppna Sinnen. www.campbellarts.se | campbellarts@telia.com |
Erland Leide![]() |
Erland Leide works in the engineering industry and has nature photography as a hobby. „Nature truly inspires and energizes, in particular someone working a 9 to 5 desk job‟, says Erland. „To discover new places, environments, animal and plant species through the camera is a truly exciting endeavour‟, Erland continues. You will find Erland’s themes and motifs are quite diverse, and whatever catches his eye during an excursion into natures wonderful world can become the focus of his photographic attention. Nature in the north has alot to offer and exhibits a large degree of variation. The style of Erland’s pictures can be classified as descriptive but his aim is to find his own unique angles and ways of capturing a scene. Landscapes, with water as one of its features, are a very attractive objective for his photography and something he often returns to. At this exhibition Erland’s pictures are taken from two of his favorite areas in Scandinavia. Member of Photonatura. www.rimor.se | erland.leide@comhem.se. |
Sven Persson![]() |
Sven Persson has been working as a professional advertizing and lifestyle photographer at Swelo Media Production for 15 years. He is mainly active in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. In addition, he is involved in a series of private photographic projects involving nature photography. The major themes of his photography are the graphic landscape and its inhabitants. His work has resulted in a number of exhibitions and books. The most recent book production is entitled „Skånes landskap i förändring‟ ,‟The Changing Landscape of Skåne‟. In his contribution to this exhibition you will see the landscape of Skåne in southernmost Sweden. You will also note photography from other Scandinavian countries and South Africa. All of the works are printed as numbered editions on aquarelle paper. Member of PhotoNatura and the Association of Swedish Professional Photographers. www.svenpersson.se | www.swelo.se |
Magnus Persson![]() |
Magnus Persson sells technology for a living along with a. photographic endeavour that includes exhibitions and photographic seminars. Anything that nature has to offer can be the focus of Magnus photography. He enjoys travelling but his best pictures, he claims, are taken in the Swedish province of Halland, where he lives. Magnus goal is to convey the mystical and enchanted sceneries of nature to his audience. His great interest in light and music cooperate to play an important role in his photographic creativity. Magnus is a great experimentalist in his photography. Parallell to his descriptive photography he seeks to stimulate our own private fantasies and innermost feelings using a large diversity of techniques that convert the descriptive picture to an abstraction. Magnus says that the abstract picture is about making different aspects of our innermost self visible. His abstract photographic achievements are based on „painting‟ the pictures with light using a handheld moving camera with long shutter-speeds. At this exhibition Magnus focuses on abstract photography, part of a project entitled „The Seventh Sense-Natures Shapes‟, hopefully resulting in additional exhibitions and eventually a book. Member of PhotoNatura. www.vastkustenfoto.se | magnus@vastkustenfoto.se |