Udstilling af tyske Bernd Hoffmann
Udstillingsperiode: 17/6 – 2022 – 10/7 – 2022
Fernisering fredag 17/6 kl. 16.00

“As a sculptor and drawer I always felt close to the big european and specially Italian art tradition. And also felt a strong connection to the world of the Japanese art tradition. I am interested in the sensual, metaphorical and expressive aspect of materials and in my work and I focus on materials such as ink and paper and glazed ceramics. As an artist I like to deal with the body as an artistic subject matter, finding out that this automatically leads to the aspect of fugacity. It is an eternal round dance which contains a certain rhythm. It consists also of figuration and abstraction. My will to depict bodies and volumina in a complete way also indicates the ephemeral. Both aspects, the ephemeral and the completeness walk together hand in hand and replace each other at the same time”.
Bernd Hoffmann